In the past few months, everyone has witnessed the rapid spread of AI into all areas of our lives. Every new tool seems to be AI-powered, and ChatGPT frequently makes its way into news headlines. Some artists and teachers have raised concerns about AI replacing the skills of creation and writing. We’ve received many questions about what this means for storytelling, and we believe that AI should not be used as a tool to write a story for you. Instead, it provides numerous opportunities to relieve the challenges faced by storytellers.

Here are five ways AI can help make the process of crafting a story easier.
First things first, AI is not a tool to write a story FOR you. Authentic imperfect style and unique life experiences is what makes us human. And it's beautiful.
Every good story takes time to craft. Writing it before the show and rehearsing is key to a successful performance. However, a story doesn’t need to be perfectly polished. Sometimes a quick draft, outlining the key characters, important elements of the described world, and the arc is enough to kick off your preparation for the performance.

So step 0, write your quick draft. Who is the main protagonist? What is the main conflict of the story and the resolution?
Here’s how AI can help address the key problems storytellers face:

Problem 1: The theme didn't inspire me

Ask AI to elaborate on the Theme: If you're struggling to develop a story for a specific theme, let AI spark new angles and ideas.

👉 Prompt to ChatGPT: "Suggest different perspectives on the theme of [THEME] that could help me remember other experiences related to it," to uncover hidden memories and fresh ways to explore your story.

Problem 2: I don't have enough references of goo stories on the theme

Ask AI to Find Stories for inspiration: When looking for ideas or inspiration, ask AI tools to find similar true stories that have resonated with audiences and get a sense of what makes these narratives impactful..

👉 Prompt to ChatGPT: "What are some of the most powerful stories about resilience shared on The Moth?"

Problem 3: Is my story arc good and clear?

Test the Story Arc with AI: A strong story needs a clear narrative structure with a beginning, middle, and end. Use AI to test you story arc by inserting your text and prompting to describe the structure to help you see whether your experiences shaped a compelling journey.

👉 Prompt to ChatGPT: "Take a look at the story and describe the structure in simple words".

Problem 4: Some facts are not correct

Fact-Checking: Even with personal stories, accuracy matters. Use AI tools like to verify details and context surrounding your experiences. For example, recently i wrote a story about climbing Mt. Fuji and used AI to quickly check what's the exact altitude as well as some historical facts, eg. until when women were not allowed to the summit.

👉 Prompt to ChatGPT: fact-check the important details of your story

Problem 5: I have no clue how long it will take to tell my story

AI can also help you estimate how long your story will take to tell on stage. We always recommend to rehearse yourself so you know how the story flows and what pace fits it best, but if you'd like to get a sense of time before rehearsing yourself, ask AI to help.

👉 Tools like Speechify or text-to-speech platforms can convert your written text into spoken word, giving you a clearer sense of timing. Typically, a natural speaking rate is around 125 to 150 words per minute, so AI can quickly calculate the expected duration of your performance.

Practice storytelling with ZST
Would you like to get more practical experience on how to craft a story? Sign up for our in-person workshops or join one of our shows in Zurich!
From concept to script to shining on stage - a practical 2h workshop on how to tell a story.
Join one of our upcoming shows to share your story with the live audience as get feedback. Just listening is fine as well.
About Zurich Storytellers

ZST live events are an intimate high-energy evening of 5-minute stories by people who have a passion and the desire to share authentic true stories with their hometown crowd. The stage is open to everyone, but our (very cool) L200 event space has limited seating - reserve yours now.

“We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”

Joan Didion 1924- 2021

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